Beauty Products

Why not add a touch of spice to your life with some of our amazing products in our Beauty Products range. Our new collection of beauty products range from alluring linen sprays and body washes infused with natural pheromones and aphrodisiacs to skin care oils and vaginal moisturisers. Freshen up your day with the all new JO natural's long-lasting feminine spray. Take time out to relax a little and pamper yourself and you'll be ready for anything!

Treat yourself and Indulge with a romantic bath using some delicately scented bath salts or bubble bath, splash on a seductive perfume, slip on some sexy new lingerie, treated in a specially designed lingerie wash, spray on a shimmering spray for a gorgeous, glittery glow and relax while your lover gently massages your skin with some specially designed massage butter. Allow your senses to be woken up with our range of sensual New Beauty and Pampering Products, bringing your romantic evening off to a perfect start!

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